A student in the fourth stage in the Department of Mathematics in our college was able to discover an error in the scientific mathematical formula of the “Zeta-Riemann function” in the field of number theory in mathematics

Where the student proved that the axiomatic zero of the “zeta-Riemann” function at the value of (-2) does not exist (as it is recognized and scientifically proven) ,the value of the function at this value is not (0) but is equal to an imaginary number whose value (i/84)

The idea of research in this field began with the student from the preparatory stage, that is, approximately (5 years), where the goal of the student choosing the mathematics department upon passing the preparatory stage successfully

The student reached the final result when he passed the third stage in the college, where he decided to present his findings to his professors and the presidency of his department, who showed interest in the student, The committee holds a discussion for the student and discussed with him the subject of his research and the results he reached, and recommended the following recommendations:

– The student presented ideas not previously presented in the “Zeta and Bernoulli numbers” function with some promising results in this topic.

– The student “Ahmed Adnan Toama” has sufficient qualifications to be a distinguished scientific researcher in the field of number theory

– The committee recommended that the student should be adopted and sponsored scientifically by the Presidency of the University of Baghdad and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research by nominating him for a scholarship or fellowship, assisting him in writing his ideas and the results he obtained in the form of scientific research for the purpose of submitting it for publication in one specialized scientific journals

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كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة (ابن الهيثم) College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham) اقسام الكلية هي: قسم الفيزياء قسم الكيمياء قسم علوم الحياة قسم الرياضيات قسم الحاسبات

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